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Fit into your workplace in Canada

What do Canadian employers expect of workers? How should you prepare for a job interview? Fitting into your workplace is an important part of adjusting to life here.

The first step is getting a job. To do so, you should prepare a resume, also referred to as a CV or curriculum vitae, which clearly outlines your work experience and qualifications. You can get advice and support for creating a resume at your campus employment office or search for resources online.

Tips for job interviews

If you’re invited to a job interview, then you’ve already impressed your potential employer with your resume. On the day of your job interview:

It’s a great idea to prepare and practice for your job interview. Your employment or career centre on campus usually also offers interview technique workshops or advice.

Business etiquette

You may hear Canadians talking about “workplace culture.”  This refers to the written and unwritten rules that guide behaviour in a workplace.

As someone new to Canada, you may find your Canadian workplace operates differently from places you worked in your home country.

If your job is in a government or business office, the culture around you will not be like the environment on a Canadian construction site or in the busy kitchen of a fast-food restaurant.

Something that’s consistent in Canada’s workplaces is respect. This means zero tolerance for harassment based on gender, race, disability and sexual orientation. If your workplace has a union, your union representative will safeguard your rights.

Your rights as a worker 

If you are working in Canada, you have the same rights as Canadian workers.

The most important rights relate to respect and to workplace health and safety. It’s important to know your rights and your employer’s responsibilities as well as workplace hazards and health and wellness at work.

Learn more

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